21 March 2023
Since I started to design, I’ve always dreamt about building a portfolio to share my creations with others.
16 February 2023
If you are starting to work on a new project, choosing fonts is one of the first steps you are taking.
7 February 2023
A free 5k and mobile wallpaper pack available to download for personal use or projects.
5 January 2023
Throughout the year, I have encountered many events and challenges.
19 December 2022
Some thoughts about how AI is affecting the design industry and how it might actually help us.
20 October 2022
A story about my learnings and experience with design tokens and design systems.
17 November 2021
The reason why I started this section is because I am really bad at writing.
Pitesti, Romania GMT +2
© Design & code by me on Wordpress.